Daily Rituals That Have Helped Me Heal Decades of Eating Disorders
For Lisa Faremouth Weber, developing daily rituals and routines helped her overcome decades of suffering from eating disorders. Read Lisa’s story of recovery and how she uses daily rituals to gain power, strength, and personal sovereignty in her life.
Food Rules Versus Preferences: How to Tell the Difference
I remember my dietitian once telling me that there is more to life than rules about what you are and aren’t allowed to eat, that there are preferences if you give yourself permission to accept them. What the heck are food preferences, I thought. I only knew the world of strict, punishing food rules, thanks to the eating disorder. Here I share how I came to loosen my grip on food rules and began to explore what I actually, truly, deep down enjoy and dislike to eat—and in so doing, opened an unexpected pathway to self-acceptance.
Our Heroic Journey
Meet guest contributor Layla Caroni. At age 27, after 10 years of struggling with an eating disorder, Layla faced herself in the mirror and began what she calls the most significant journey of her life: her Hero’s journey to recovery. Read Layla’s inspiring story, which is also an invitation to view your own recovery journey as heroic.
When Old Triggers and Food Rules Show Up in Unexpected Places
Years ago, when dropping my daughters off at daycare, I encountered a most unexpected trigger that set off a spiral of old thoughts and food rules in my mind. Here I get honest about that moment of struggle and the aftermath of feeling ashamed and then finding a way to release the “old” stuff that came up for me at the school. I hope this blog is reminder that healing isn’t linear, and it’s OK if you are ebbing and flowing on your journey.
The Struggle to Feel Deserving
On a dark January evening, I found a yellow sticky note that I’d completely forgotten about in my coat pocket. On the front were three words: yoga, write, read. I needed this reminder to slow down and make space for these nourishing activities. Now I just had to believe I was deserving of taking the time to do them. Here I share some of the steps I took to build trust within myself that I was, in fact, deserving to make and take space for those people, places, and things that are important to me.
The "Success" of Recovery Is Not Measured in "Happiness"
Learning the yogic definition of contentment was an important turning point in my recovery because I could let go of the pressure to be happy all the time, or even to always like my body. Here I share how a most unexpected role model showed me I was free from measuring the success of my recovery by the depth of my happiness.
Re-Introducing My Body to My Mind
Guest contributor Taylor Bowman loved to move as a child. From bopping her head or tapping her toe or shaking her hips, movement was a natural part of her. But this all changed when critical comments about her maturing and changing body caused Taylor to begin judging her body, which resulted in an eating disorder. In this blog post, Taylor shares her pain of feeling unworthy to move or exist in her body, and her triumph of reconnecting with her body through dance, yoga, and other forms of movement on her healing path to self-acceptance.
Self-Kindness Is the Key to My Recovery
Guest contributor Lora McCandless struggled with an eating disorder for many years, often feeling alone and unseen. Here, Lora shares how hearing the words “Be Kind to Yourself” for the first time set her on a journey to learning how to practice self-kindness in her recovery and in her life today as a mother, wife, and human.
Unapologetically Authentic: The Throat Chakra & Eating Disorder Recovery
Writer and yoga teacher Ashley Paige explains how the fifth chakra, also know as the throat chakra, relates to eating disorder recovery. Learn some practices to help heal this energy center so that you can be authentic in your words, and actions and feel empowered to communicate openly.