Meet Sandi James
Y4ED Community member, Sandi James, scuba diving.
We are happy to feature our community member Sandi James. Here’s what Sandi has to say about how the Y4ED Community has helped her feel less alone during the pandemic.
“This community is pivotal in providing me the space to connect with others on a similar journey. What I value most about the Y4ED community is the strength, courage, and vulnerability that members show.
The pandemic has impacted everyone. This space Jennifer created is amazing and supports and links so many across the world. During 2020, I found myself struggling with eating again after many years of recovery. Someone suggested the Y4ED website. I would never have found it on my own. Yoga was nothing I wanted anything to do with (too slow, boring, etc). I still hear these thoughts regularly, and that's OK. I have discovered that slowing down and dropping into the body is good for my mental health. Go figure right… lol.
I have integrated the practices of yoga - the philosophies and the theory - into everything else that I do. OK, maybe not everything, and I often forget, or simply don’t want to. I again get to choose recovery rather than being trapped in that negative spiral of illness.
Scuba diving for me has been a lifeline and bringing yoga philosophies and practices into my diving have been a game-changer.
The most valuable thing about this community is just that. It is community. The way people show up for each other and hold hope and courage has been - what? I don't have any words to describe this adequately. I would say lifesaver, but it is so much more than that. I am privileged to be involved with and feel like part of this incredible Y4ED space.
Y4ED Community, you all are incredible! THANK YOU for being here and turning up. My hope for you is to find your calm and experience a moment of peace in your day. The gratitude for the people I have met here is immense, and I really look forward to seeing what becomes of this adventure we are all on together. Stay safe and stay fabulous !Sending all the good vibes. Stay awesome!”