Grupo de Tutoría de Yoga y Trastornos Alimentarios

Orientación de expertos y conexión entre pares para profesores de yoga y profesionales de la salud mental (IMPARTIDO EN INGLÉS)

Siendo alguien con experiencia clínica y de yoga, encontré que su aplicación de sincronizar los dos posiblemente sea la mejor que he encontrado hasta ahora.
— Dr Alissa Knight, Australian Psychologist, Researcher, & Founder of The Calming Suite Psychology


Más de 70 millones de personas en el mundo sufren de trastornos alimentarios. Cómo profesionales de yoga, podemos crear y guiar clases seguras, accesibles e inclusivas para todos.

Desde el 9 de marzo, únete a nosotros y aprende cómo hacer que tus clases y sesiones con clientes estén informadas sobre el trastorno alimentario. Únete a las sesiones en vivo por Zoom o participa a través de las grabaciones.

Este programa es para profesores de yoga, terapeutas de yoga, profesionales de la salud mental, dietistas, entrenadores de bienestar, y cualquiera que quiera explorar el papel del yoga en la recuperación de los trastornos alimentarios. Aprende cómo hacer que tus clases y sesiones con clientes estén informadas sobre el trastorno alimentario.

Este grupo de tutoría proporciona orientación de expertos y conexión entre pares para que aprendas mientras también obtiene conocimientos enriquecedores de otros.

Mi intención es unir a las personas para que podamos inspirarnos unos a otros, crecer juntos y servir a la comunidad de trastornos alimentarios con sensibilidad y compasión.

¿Quién debe participar?

Este programa es para profesores de yoga, terapeutas de yoga, profesionales de la salud mental, dietistas, entrenadores de bienestar, y cualquiera que quiera explorar el papel del yoga en la recuperación de los trastornos alimentarios. Aprende cómo hacer que tus clases y sesiones con clientes estén informadas sobre el trastorno alimentario.

No es necesario que estés actualmente enseñando a otros específicamente en la recuperación de trastornos alimentarios o incluso que tengas la aspiración de hacerlo. El conocimiento adquirido en este programa se puede aplicar a las clases de yoga para el público en general, enriqueciendo tu conjunto de habilidades como enseñante y haciendo que tus clases sean accesibles para quienes se están recuperando de un trastorno alimentario.

Del mismo modo, este programa será un excelente recurso para aquellos que actualmente enseñan o aspiran a enseñar en centros de tratamiento, crear ofertas específicas de yoga y trastornos alimentarios, y para terapeutas de yoga en su trabajo con clientes.

Lo que vas a aprender

Semana 1: Comprender los trastornos alimentarios y el papel de la encarnación en la sanación

Semana 2: Matices de la enseñanza de posturas de yoga - Idioma

Semana 3: Matices de la enseñanza de posturas de yoga: prácticas informadas/sensibles al trauma

Semana 4: Matices de la enseñanza de las prácticas de respiración

Semana 5: Honrando todos los cuerpos y la interseccionalidad de BIPOC, LGBTQ, discapacitados y trastornos alimentarios

Semana 6: Respeto al Alcance de la Práctica y Cierre


  • Impartido en Inglés

  • 6 llamadas de zoom quincenales de 90 minutos facilitadas por Jennifer y profesores expertos

  • Educación y orientación experta en los matices de la enseñanza de yoga a personas en recuperación de trastornos alimentarios.

  • Práctica de yoga experiencial de 10 minutos y explicación de los beneficios terapéuticos/curativos al comienzo de cada sesión

  • Grabación de cada sesión.

  • Una llamada de tutoría de 20 minutos con Jennifer Kreatsoulas

  • Oradores invitados

  • Trabajo de reflexión personal sobre las semanas libres entre sesiones

  • Grupo privado de Facebook para participantes actuales y pasados ​​del Grupo de Tutoría

  • Plantilla de secuencia de muestra para clases de yoga clínicas y públicas

  • Entrega de recursos

  • PDF de los puntos clave de cada sesión

  • Opción de ser incluido en un directorio gratuito de profesionales informados sobre trastornos alimentarios

  • Apoyo continuo de Jennifer Kreatsoulas

  • Programas de educación continua después de la finalización, incluido el Mentoring Circle Group

*Los profesores de yoga registrados en Yoga Alliance recibirán 9 CEU al finalizar el programa. Los créditos de educación continua para IAYT también están disponibles para terapeutas de yoga certificados.


Regístrate hoy para unirte a la próxima cohorte a partir del 7 de marzo de 2024. Nos reuniremos cada dos semanas en Zoom de 11 a 12:30 EST hasta el 16 de mayo 2024. Únete a las sesiones en vivo o participe a través de las grabaciones. Las fechas de reunión son: 7 de marzo, 21 de marzo, 4 de abril, 18 de abril, 2 de mayo, 16 de mayo.

Matrícula: $230 US

Hay planes de pago disponibles. Ponte en contacto con nosotros para configurar el pago.

Conoce al Profesorado


Jennifer es una terapeuta de yoga certificada especializada en trastornos alimentarios. Es la fundadora de Yoga for Eating Disorders, autora de Body Mindful Yoga y The Courageous Path to Healing, interlocutora internacional y defensora de la salud mental. Jennifer brinda yoga terapia en línea y dirige grupos virtuales. A través de su programa Grupo de Tutoría de Yoga y Trastornos Alimentarios (Yoga & Eating Disorders Mentoring Group) Jennifer educa a los profesionales acerca del papel del yoga en la recuperación. Para obtener más información sobre Jennifer, lee su historia personal y suscríbete su boletín mensual.


Emily B. Brown es una Terapeuta de Masaje Licenciada y profesora de yoga (200 horas) con 25 años de práctica personal y capacitación avanzada en Yin Yoga, Yoga informado sobre el trauma, y yoga accesible. Actualmente está completando su maestría en Psicoterapia Corporal Somática en la Universidad de Naropa en Boulder, CO. Al finalizar su carrera, planea integrar sus habilidades para tratar los trastornos alimentarios desde un enfoque holístico y corporal como profesora de yoga y consejera profesional licenciada. La recuperación de una alimentación trastornada ha creado un camino para Emily que se ha ido desarrollando a lo largo de los años. La falta de una cobertura sanitaria consistente y la discriminación hacia los cuerpos más grandes en el tratamiento de los trastornos alimentarios la empujaron a ser creativa en su propia recuperación, permitiéndole de descubrir el poder de la filosofía de yoga y de la práctica suave para guiarla hacia el bienestar. Su carrera ha estado al servicio de ayudar a los demás a encontrar la paz en sus cuerpos a medida que van cambiando durante la vida. Emily es la fundadora de Mindful Curves Yoga & Bodywork. Conéctate con Emily:


Gina es una profesora de yoga registrada que se esfuerza por inspirar esperanza y coraje mientras cultiva la conexión y el empoderamiento a través de su enseñanza de yoga. Está certificada en Yoga Sensible al Trauma, Yoga para los Trastornos Alimentarios, Meditación, y Yoga Nidra, y enseña en entornos públicos, privados y clínicos así como en cursos de capacitación para profesores, talleres y retiros. Al ser una sobreviviente del trauma y defensora de la salud mental, la alegría y la pasión de Gina es llevar a los otros a un bienestar integral y asistirlos a descubrir quiénes fueron creados para ser. Gina es la fundadora de Sanctuary Yoga. Follow her on Instagram @sanctuary_yoga_tsy.


Heather es una profesora de yoga y profesora de voz en Manhattan, Kansas. Completó su profesorado de yoga de 200 horas en YogaWorks y ha estudiado respiración y liberación miofascial con Jill Miller, creador de Yoga Tune Up. Completará su maestría en voz esta primavera. Heather conoce el camino de la recuperación y es motivada por la creatividad, la curiosidad y la compasión. Encontrará esto en el corazón de su enseñanza, junto con la conciencia de la respiración, la risa y la buena música. Es certificada en Yoga Sensible al Trauma, Yoga para los Trastornos Alimentarios, Reiki, Nia y Fundamentos del Movimiento. Síguela en Instagram @bodybreathvoice.


Vivian Selles (ella / ella / de ella) es una profesora de yoga registrada con experiencia y proveedora de educación continua de Yoga Alliance. Obtuvo su certificación de 200 horas en 2014 y actualmente enseña a tiempo completo en centros de tratamiento de recuperación de trastornos alimentarios. Vivian es también una de los co-organizadores fundadores de Yoga Coalition of Equality Charlotte (YCEC). Vivian cree que el yoga es acción; ella usa su práctica y enseñanzas para cultivar un cambio positivo en la comunidad del yoga. La intención de Vivian como profesora de yoga es crear y mantener unos espacios más seguros y accesibles para todas las personas en su camino hacia la liberación. Sigue a Vivian en Instagram @justanotheryogateacher.

Lo Que Dicen los Participantes Sobre el Programa

“This program gave me a sense of community in my yoga work that I was missing. It helped me start to understand where my next steps are in my yoga work. It helped me understand I have so much more to learn -- I am humbled, enlightened and more aware. I really enjoyed all of the speakers, mindfulness practices, and Jennifer's insights.”

—Caroline L. Young, MS, RD, LD, RYT, Norway

“This was one of the best Mentoring Program I attended. I definitely will continue getting support from Jennifer, she is amazing. I really enjoyed learning about language, learning from the different speakers, as well as being in community with other ladies sharing their work.”

—Rosmer Mena, Tampa, Florida

“This program affirmed the way I was already teaching, while at the same time offering new perspectives that have had a profound impact on how I lead classes.”

—Heidi Gill, United States

“I really enjoyed this experience. I never felt so grounded with a community, and everyone in the group was so inspiring and willing to share and learn from others. I felt that I really could be heard and understood, and I could be myself. The topics I enjoyed the most were language specific for ED recovery, how to approach a class where you may have people struggling, and how to make it accessible to all bodies, all situations and all levels in recovery.”

—Blanca Perez del Palomar Asin, United States

“I'm very happy to have participated this program even though I could not join live meetings.
Jennifer always held open and loving space in each meeting so that I felt comfortable and safe as a person who is also in a recovering process.”

—Shunyo, Japan

“Wonderful forum to share common healing practices for eating disorders using embodiment.”

—Heather Penrose, Rochester, New York

“My experience with the program was very positive. As a practitioner who has previously taken a trauma sensitive yoga training, I was surprised by the amount of overlap in the content. That being said, there was still a dense about of information that was specific to the eating disorder population that was greatly beneficial to learn.”

—Whitney Kearney, Denver Colorado

“The Information regarding working with individuals and groups with eating disorders was fantastic!”

—Liz Manion, Iowa

“Jennifer's program is helpful to those in the ED community - teachers and individuals in recovery. Her empathy and compassion encourage participation and idea sharing, which leads to deeper learning. Each session is full of valuable tips and techniques that I can implement with my clients.
In addition to specific ideas for those in eating disorder recovery programs, I learned a lot about trauma-informed yoga in general. Jennifer also provides a lot of additional resources outside of the Zoom meetings. I highly recommend this program!”

—Mary Irby, C-IAYT, Florida

“This program was an invaluable experience for me. I loved that it was scheduled every other week so that I could take the information from one session and go out and apply it before the next one. Since each session was around a different topic, I think this format really gave me the option to synthesize what I was learning. I can’t imagine having started to teach in the ED recovery center without this important knowledge. Thank you so much!”

—Joan Pleasants, M.S., RYT 500, United States

“This course was a breath of fresh air. I left each week with skills I could bring right into my classes, and the experiental learning was a perfect way to center each week. I've taken many trauma-informed trainings in both the yoga and mental health world and this course both complements them and connects them to the teachings of yoga.”

—Kaitlyn Vittozzi, C-IAYT, New York

“I loved the range of topics covered to make yoga inclusive and invitational. It was an honor to be part of a group who care and to learn about their work and its impact.”

—Priti DSilva, Life coach & Yoga Teacher, Virginia

“Being someone with both a clinical and yoga background, I found your application of synchronising the two possibly the best I had come across thus far. I also really liked how you referenced throughout the direct benefits of yoga for clients and how to portray that to them in order to increase motivation and trust in the use of yoga for healing.”

—Dr Alissa Knight, Australian Psychologist, Researcher, & Founder of The Calming Suite Psychology

“I really enjoyed this program and although it sounds cliche, the biggest benefit to me in a way was the community. Probably mostly because of the world we're living in (pandemic = isolation) but also the time of life/career that I'm in. The content was definitely helpful and relevant, and I loved the sample classes. I always appreciate actual samples when I feel like I'm in a rut. But again, being able to share and also listen to others share about their experiences was probably the most valuable to me.”

—Nancy Lozano, Texas

“What a wonderful informative six weeks together, even though I couldn’t attend any live sessions, how grateful I am to technology and our virtual community. I felt very connected to this group and loved listening to others stories, and to be surrounded by like-minded people who wish to help people with an eating disorder recovery and heal.”

—Nicole Sanders, Australia

“I can't express how grateful I am for the experience of participating in this program. Not only has it reignited my passion for teaching yoga, but given me a framework from which I can develop a trauma-informed style of practice that will benefit my future clients. I love Jennifer's energy. She's down-to-earth, a great leader, open to other's opinions, and creates such a supportive space for everyone to learn.”

—Ashley Christy, Nicaragua

“The Yoga and Eating Disorders Mentoring Group was a wonderful community in which I felt safe to share and learn. Each session, I took away valuable information that will help me serve my clients better. Jennifer is such a warm, knowledgable, generous leader. She made me look forward to each session, as I knew it would be a fruitful discussion and just all around uplifting experience.”

—Maria Scrimenti, Tennessee

“I was very pleased with this program. All the topics that were covered were beneficial to my personal practice as well as the practices I guide.  I loved hearing input from people of all backgrounds/experience/professions. I was happy that the program was available live or through recordings and that the recordings are available to re-watch.”

—Lauren C, RYT, North Carolina

“I am so grateful for the course and all the resources that helped me through it. The format was so warm and welcoming. I liked being able to watch the recordings of the sessions, as the timing didn’t work for me to attend live. I feel so much more confident now about teaching!”

—Jo Barker, United Kingdom

“As a Yoga teacher for 20 years in the Krishnamacharya Yoga tradition and also a Certified Yoga Therapist, I know that there is always more to learn. This year I began teaching a private student with eating disorders who was referred to me by a mental health counselor. I am already a trauma informed Yoga teacher but I took Jennifer's Yoga for Eating Disorders 6 session online training to learn more specifics in this niche. Jennifer Kreatsoulas is a wonderful, compassionate teacher and Y4ED is a well-designed course whether you are an experienced teacher or a newbie or a Yoga therapist interested in working with clients with eating disorders. What I appreciated was the wealth of resources that were given with each session, such as books or online sources. That was very helpful because trying to find resources can be overwhelming and sometimes you don't know which ones are ‘good.’ I also appreciated the guest presenters because it is always good to hear from experienced teachers in the field you are interested in. I liked the course so much that I also registered for the next training in teaching Yoga for eating disorders in the clinical setting. I highly recommend this training. Thanks, Jennifer!”

— Linda Karl, E-RYT 500, YACEP, C-IAYT, Illinois

“Jennifer is extremely knowledgable and teaches from her heart. It was such an honor to be surrounded by like-minded individuals who are committed to having a positive impact in this world. I learned so much from the different weekly topics and really valued the dive deep into eating disorders for yoga. I am leaving this program more aware and more inspired!”
— Brooke Alexander, California

“Working with Jennifer has been one of the best things I've done for my eating disorder coaching + yoga business. Learning from an expert in the field of yoga therapy and eating disorders has truly heightened my confidence in coaching and teaching. It has also given me space in a community made up of unique ED professionals. Jennifer is warm, intelligent, and able to ask the questions you need to answer to bring yourself to your next level in your business, recovery, or personal development. Jennifer is a gem and I am SO grateful to know her!” — Casey Urban, New York

“This mentoring group was special in a number of ways. Firstly the material and experiences shared was extremely validating for me as someone who navigated a big chunk of recovery alone, to hear and see that what I was feeling is a shared experience was something I was not expecting. Secondly Jennifer's presence, she has such a warm heart and is clearly so dedicated to this field, it was a joy to learn from her. Thirdly the group was a bunch of very curious and knowledgable humans who shared a deep sense of care for those in recovery, the practice of yoga and the world at large. Finally the material, resources and experts we were exposed to throughout the course were so valuable and thorough. I kind of can't beleive the value for money in this course. Appreciated all of it.”
—Carrie Grey, The Netherlands

“Jennifer has her own lived experience of an eating disorder and recovery and thus really understands things on a deep, authentic level and is able to bring that into her yoga teaching and mentoring. Also, she was always available to answer questions and provide support and resources.” —Diana Walling, New York

“At a time when COVID-19 quarantine created isolation, Jennifer moved forward and provided a place to connect with others and a bridge to supplement my work with clients on nutrition and body image. During the initial Yoga & Eating Disorders Mentoring Group and subsequent Mentoring Circle, she weaves lived experience, nuggets of information, and experientials to create a toolkit to help others struggling with disordered eating and body image issues. It provides a more embodied experience incorporating yoga which not only enhanced my nutrition practice, but even more my personal yoga practice.” —Marilyn Dahl, RDN, MBA, CEDRD, RYT, Jacksonville, Florida

“I experienced so much over the weeks of this training from learning language, the exploration of asana and breath, resources, and peer group discussion. All the topics are relevant to my personal journey and as a yoga instructor/yoga therapist in training. The training brought awareness in my general population classes as well as treatment centre for eating disorders. I enjoyed the different perspectives of the guest speakers and the invaluable lessons from Jennifer around movement and language.” —Julie Allen, Pennsylvania

“I walked away from each session with a new gem which broadened my perspective on how a client experiences my classes. The end result is that I enjoy my practice with more self-awareness than before I took this course. It was a lovely and engaging exploration into yoga. I greatly enjoyed our sessions!” —Stacey P, New Jersey

I was blessed to be a part of the very first Yoga and Eating Disorder Mentoring Group cohort and it was truly a transformational group to be a part of. Jennifer’s wisdom and passion shine through in all that she does. Her wealth of knowledge is a gift to those who are lucky to learn form her. Jennifer elevates her students and humbly gives opportunities for growth by encouraging others in what they do. As a member of the cohort and more recently the mentoring circle, I have be given a sacred space to share my knowledge as well as be educated by those in the group. The Yoga and Eating Disorder Mentoring Group and Mentoring  Circle are truly wonderful communities to explore yoga for eating disorders. I recommend them for all teachers working in this arena or just interested in learning more about teaching to this population. — Gina Hartman, RYT, Temecula, California

“Jennifer is a true expert in the field of yoga where it intersects with body image and disordered eating, and I’m grateful to have learned from her and to have been supported by her in this meaningful work.” — Suzy, RYT 500, Minnesota

Algunas cosas que debe saber

  • Conoce las credenciales y calificaciones de Jennifer para liderar este programa.

  • Actualmente, no es necesario que esté enseñando yoga a otras personas para la recuperación del trastorno alimentario. Todo lo que necesitas es pasión y curiosidad por este tema.

  • Los profesores de yoga registrados en Yoga Alliance recibirán 9 CEU al finalizar el programa. Los créditos de educación continua para IAYT también están disponibles para terapeutas de yoga certificados.

  • Todas las llamadas se grabarán y compartirán con los miembros del grupo de tutoría.

  • Se requiere el pago antes de la primera llamada. Hay planes de pago disponibles.

  • ¿Tienes preguntas? Ponte en contacto con nosotros y programaremos un tiempo para charlar.