Círculo de Tutoría


Es extraordinario no solo aprender de Jennifer, sino también de otras personas que han tenido una experiencia personal con un trastorno alimentario o que trabajan ayudando a los demás.
— Alexis C


Te invito a unirte al Círculo de Tutoría de Yoga y Trastornos Alimentarios. Este programa es para graduados del Grupo de Tutoría de Yoga y Trastornos Alimentarios y es una oportunidad para que continúes estando en comunidad con otros profesionales que deseen servir a la comunidad de trastornos alimentarios con sensibilidad y compasión.

Este grupo tiene que ver con la comunidad, la conexión y el apoyo mutuo en nuestros esfuerzos personales y profesionales en nuestro trabajo con el yoga y la recuperación del trastorno alimentario. Aquí es donde podemos compartir ideas para los programas que deseas crear, pedir consejos sobre cómo enseñar o trabajar con clientes, conversar sobre temas que te interesan y recibir aliento para seguir adelante con una meta o idea personal. ¡Es un grupo para sentirse totalmente bien!

Este grupo es la oportunidad perfecta para que hagas preguntas y obtengas comentarios sobre lo que se avecina para ti a medida que continúas tu viaje personal y profesional.

El próximo Círculo de Tutoría comienza el jueves 18 enero 2024. Nos reuniremos cada dos semanas de 11 a 12 EST durante 3 meses. Únete a las sesiones en vivo o vea las grabaciones. Las fechas son: 18 de enero, 1 de febrero, 15 de febrero, 29 de febrero, 14 de marzo y 28 de marzo.


  • Impartido en inglés

  • Llamadas de zoom quincenales de 60 minutos facilitadas por Jennifer Kreatsoulas

  • Tutoría grupal sobre temas relacionados con negocios/profesionales

  • Preguntas y respuestas abiertas y discusión

  • Conferencia "10-Minute Gem" para nuevos aprendizajes continuos

  • Grabaciones de cada llamada

  • Apoyo continuo de Jennifer

  • Apoyo de una comunidad cálida, solidaria y con ideas afines


Regístrate hoy para comenzar el 18 de enero 2024. Únete a las sesiones en vivo o vea las grabaciones.

Matrícula: $155
Hay planes de pago disponibles. Por favor, ponte en contacto para configurar el pago.

Lo Que la Gente Opina

“Being someone with both a clinical and yoga background, I found your application of synchronizing the two possibly the best I had come across thus far. I also really liked how you referenced throughout the direct benefits of yoga for clients and how to portray that to them in order to increase motivation and trust in the use of yoga for healing.”—Dr Alissa Knight, Australian Psychologist, Researcher, & Founder of The Calming Suite Psychology

“This program was an invaluable experience for me. I loved that it was scheduled every other week so that I could take the information from one session and go out and apply it before the next one. Since each session was around a different topic, I think this format really gave me the option to synthesize what I was learning. I can’t imagine having started to teach in the ED recovery center without this important knowledge. Thank you so much!”—Joan Pleasants, M.S., RYT 500, United States

“What a wonderful informative six weeks together, even though I couldn’t attend any live sessions, how grateful I am to technology and our virtual community. I felt very connected to this group and loved listening to others’ stories, and to be surrounded by like-minded people who wish to help people with an eating disorder recovery and heal.”—Nicole Sanders, Australia

“This course was a breath of fresh air. I left each week with skills I could bring right into my classes, and the experiential learning was a perfect way to center each week. I've taken many trauma-informed trainings in both the yoga and mental health world and this course both complements them and connects them to the teachings of yoga.”—Kaitlyn Vittozzi, C-IAYT, New York

“Being a part of Jennifer's mentorship group was the best gift I could have given myself. As I approached opening my own practice as a psychotherapist & yoga teacher wanting to work with people experiencing eating disorders, I found the people in the group encouraging, uplifting and an example of vulnerable possibility. I found so much strength in hearing what others were piloting across the nation and globe, as well as gathered wisdom from practitioners who have been in the field for some time who shared their challenges and triumphs. The only reason I was unable to join for the third round was because I was so busy getting my practice off the ground that I needed to narrow my focus for a few months. I am thoroughly looking forward to returning, and highly recommend attending. — Laurel Ann Carter, MA, LPC, IKYTA, ADS, Colorado

“Working with Jennifer has been one of the best things I've done for my eating disorder coaching + yoga business. Learning from an expert in the field of yoga therapy and eating disorders has truly heightened my confidence in coaching and teaching. It has also given me space in a community made up of unique ED professionals. Jennifer is warm, intelligent, and able to ask the questions you need to answer to bring yourself to your next level in your business, recovery, or personal development. Jennifer is a gem and I am SO grateful to know her!” — Casey Urban, New York

“At a time when COVID-19 quarantine created isolation, Jennifer moved forward and provided a place to connect with others and a bridge to supplement my work with clients on nutrition and body image. During the initial Yoga & Eating Disorders Mentoring Group and subsequent Mentoring Circle, she weaves lived experience, nuggets of information, and experientials to create a toolkit to help others struggling with disordered eating and body image issues. It provides a more embodied experience incorporating yoga which not only enhanced my nutrition practice, but even more my personal yoga practice.” —Marilyn Dahl, RDN, MBA, CEDRD, RYT, Jacksonville, Florida

I was blessed to be a part of the very first Yoga and Eating Disorder Mentoring Group cohort and it was truly a transformational group to be a part of. Jennifer’s wisdom and passion shine through in all that she does. Her wealth of knowledge is a gift to those who are lucky to learn form her. Jennifer elevates her students and humbly gives opportunities for growth by encouraging others in what they do. As a member of the cohort and more recently the mentoring circle, I have be given a sacred space to share my knowledge as well as be educated by those in the group. The Yoga and Eating Disorder Mentoring Group and Mentoring  Circle are truly wonderful communities to explore yoga for eating disorders. I recommend them for all teachers working in this arena or just interested in learning more about teaching to this population. — Gina Hartman, RYT, Temecula, California