Grieving the Eating Disorder
I experienced grief off and on during my recovery, especially in the beginning when I started to consistently make choices that aligned with recovery and not the eating disorder. I invite you to read about a pivotal moment in my journey, when I learned what it actually means to grieve the eating disorder, and why this emotion is a natural and important part of healing.
Dear Eating Disorder, From a Family Member
In a letter to the eating disorder that “came into our home, unannounced and uninvited” and affected a family member, guest contributor Barri Leiner Grant describes the tremendous grief she experiences as a result. In learning to acknowledge her own grief, Barri reaches out to other caretakers and family members, offering validation that their grief is also real and deserves time and space to heal.
Remembering Loss and Celebrating Progress in Recovery
Returning guest contributor Heather Carbone shares how remembering loss has also helped her to reflect on and embrace the progress she has made in her recovery.