Jennifer Kreatsoulas Jennifer Kreatsoulas

A Yoga Journey Towards Recovery and Health

Guest contributor Haley Schiek shares how yoga philosophy and the physical practice influenced her journey towards recovery and health. Haley not only talks about the positive ways yoga has helped her but is also honest about the negative aspects, too, and the challenges it caused in her recovery. Haley's story will leave you feeling less alone and inspire hope for recovery and health.

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Jennifer Kreatsoulas Jennifer Kreatsoulas

Tug of War: Wanting to be Well and Sick at the Same Time

I can remember feeling trapped in a tug-of-war between the eating disorder and recovery. While it may have "looked" like I was "doing" recovery, I was not all in---until one day my dietitian called me out on it and it was time for me to learn how to truly face my fears. If you feel trapped in this tug-of-war, I invite you to read this post and know you aren't alone, and that recovery is possible.

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Jennifer Kreatsoulas Jennifer Kreatsoulas

Secrets, Forgiveness, and Freedom

Guest contributor Jenifer Dillow shares her story of eating disorder recovery. From the secrets that kept her sick, to the self-forgiveness that set her free to live her fullest potential, Jenifer inspires others on their recovery journeys to trust that “freedom is there for the taking.” 

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Jennifer Kreatsoulas Jennifer Kreatsoulas

Shattering Stereotypes: Brown People Get Eating Disorders, Too

Guest contributor and eating disorder activist Shalini Wickramatilake struggled with an eating disorder for more than 2 decades before she sought help because she “felt like a fraud” for not fitting “the stereotype of what someone with an eating disorder was ‘supposed’ to look like.” Now, in recovery, Shalini shares her story to help shatter stereotypes about who and what an eating disorder looks like. Read on to learn more about this powerful woman!

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Jennifer Kreatsoulas Jennifer Kreatsoulas

Everyone Deserves a Seat at the Table, Including Me & You

In this powerfully honest and inspiring guest blog, eating disorder recovery advocate Bridget Clawson writes about how she overcame self-doubt to now own her most authentic voice and share her story with the world so that others know they, too, have a place at the table.

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Jennifer Kreatsoulas Jennifer Kreatsoulas

Heeding the Call for Inclusion in the Eating Disorder Recovery Community

Sharing about my experience at #NEDAcon Philadelphia and how I plan to live and spread the call to action for inclusion of all body sizes, races, abilities, genders, socioeconomic statuses, sexual orientations, ages, and other behavioral and mental health conditions in the eating disorder recovery community.

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Jennifer Kreatsoulas Jennifer Kreatsoulas

6 Ways to Build Trust and Heal the Trauma of Hating Your Body

Rebuilding trust with our bodies is essential to strengthening our body image. It’s only through establishing trust that we can begin to feel safe in our bodies again and experience a sense of peace and wholeness. Sharing 6 ways you can begin to build trust with your body.

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Jennifer Kreatsoulas Jennifer Kreatsoulas

Calling All Moms in Eating Disorder Recovery: You Are Not Alone

Motherhood and eating disorder recovery is a topic near and dear to my heart. Here I open up about my story and introduce the Motherhood & Eating Disorder video series I created with Melainie Rogers of Balance Eating Disorder Treatment Center.

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