Jennifer Kreatsoulas Jennifer Kreatsoulas

Relearning How to Participate in Life After an Eating Disorder

I recently came across a story from the early days of my recovery after a relapse that occurred later in my life, when my children were little. Revisiting this emotional scene reinforced a message I often share with my yoga therapy clients: recovery is relearning how to participate in life, and this includes sharing meals with the people who matter to us. I invite you to read how my children taught me to participate in life and have fun with food again.

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Jennifer Kreatsoulas Jennifer Kreatsoulas

My ED Journey Through Pregnancy and Postpartum

“Feeding myself well and exercising in a balanced way is a form of mothering myself, self-care, and an act of radical self-love.” Read guest contributor Lisa Young’s moving account of her eating disorder struggle and recovery during pregancy and postpartum. Lisa vividly shares how these times in a woman’s life can be a powerful wake up call to embrace the practices of body acceptance and self-love.

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