Power Players: Exploring How Systems of Power Impact Eating Disorder Recovery
In her final blog of our 12-month series, Niya Bajaj explores how the experiences of systemic exclusion and the power imbalance in healthcare systems impact how people seek help for eating disorders, and how yoga therapy can support inclusive recovery.
Mind Over Matter: Exploring How Mental Health Stigma Impacts Eating Disorder Recovery
In this month’s blog series, Niya Bajaj explores how the experiences of stigma and silence around mental health concerns, including eating disorders, impact how people seek help and how yoga therapy can support inclusive recovery.
Trauma Troubles: Exploring How Systemic Exclusion Impacts Eating Disorder Recovery
Research has demonstrated a strong link between trauma exposure and other severe adverse experiences in both childhood and adulthood with eating disorders. In her latest blog, Niya Bajaj explores how the experiences of systemic exclusion and associated trauma impact how people seek help and how yoga therapy can support inclusive eating disorder recovery.
Systemic Shame: Exploring How Exclusion Impacts Eating Disorder Recovery
In her latest blog post, Niya Bajaj explores how the experiences of individuals who do not fit in the “skinny, white, affluent, girl” (SWAG) stereotype impacts if and how they seek help for eating disorders. Educating on the yoga practice of Satya, Niya identifies how yoga therapy can support inclusive recovery and guide individuals to reconnect with aspects of their identity and cultural practices to support their recovery.
Mind the Overlap - Exploring How Systemic Exclusion Impacts Eating Disorder Recovery
In this month’s blog series on yoga therapy and inclusive eating disorder recovery, Niya Bajaj investigates the impact of systemic exclusion on eating disorder recovery. She educates about how we can apply the niyama of tapas (TAH-pahs) to make systems more inclusive. Niya offers practical suggestions for how researchers, care providers, and individuals seeking care can practice tapas to build systems that are more inclusive.